Monthly Archives: December 2017

Alyssa and Beuys have accompanied me for the exhibition from BdK to Wuppertal. Unfortunately, Jenny could not come, because she had to be a midwife for our litter of Rhaenys and Glaze. It was a very nice exhibition and I was able to wish our friends a Merry Christmas 🙂 Beuys – Saturday and Sunday Best […]

Wuppertal BdK December,,de,IMG-20171217-WA0002,,en,Return to Wuppertal BdK Dezember,,en,Flyer_Dezember_2017,,de,WP_20171216_14_39_17_Pro,,pl,WP_20171216_14_39_25_Pro,,pl,WP_20171216_14_39_33_Pro,,pl,WP_20171216_16_12_09_Pro,,pl,WP_20171217_10_55_38_Pro,,pl,WP_20171217_12_13_09_Pro,,pl,WP_20171217_12_13_15_Pro,,pl,IMG-20171217-WA0001,,en,WP_20171216_09_36_07_Pro,,pl