Weltaustellung (World of Cats) Frankfurt am Main

At 11.03.17 waren wir mit Beuys, Rhaenys and Glaze and our friends Sonja and Deniz at the exhibition from Kfg. Wir haben uns sehr gefreut, seeing new faces and old friends again 🙂 It was a very nice exhibition, only it was clouded a little by the great heat in the hall. Unfortunately, many cats were in a very bad mood as a result. Our Beuys didn't like it despite his very short coat, so unfortunately we couldn't present it. Glaze and Rhaenys have had fewer problems with that and have shown themselves at their best. Unfortunately it was only enough for a Best in Show nomination. Gegen eine Nacktkatze haben leider nur wenige eine Chance 😉 Das Hotel in dem wir übernachtet haben, liked the cats and us very much. Glaze is a great professional in this field and Rhaenys is hardly inferior to him. It was the first time for Beuys, was ihm aber auch kaum etwas aus gemacht hat 🙂